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Journal of Curriculum and Evaluation. Vol. 3, No. 1, 2000

The implications of constructivism in education
구성주의(Constructivism)의 교육적 함의
J. Curric. Eval. 2000;3(1):1-15.
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The Acceptance and Development of the Existential Philosophy of Education in Korea
한국에서의 실존주의 교육철학의 수용과 전개 (해방후∼ 1960년대)
J. Curric. Eval. 2000;3(1):17-31.
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A Philosophical Examination on the Reconciling Models between Liberal and Vocational Education
직업교육과 자유교육의 통합 : 철학적 검토
J. Curric. Eval. 2000;3(1):33-45.
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The Nature and Meaning of Educative Experience Based on Dewey's Philosophy of Art
듀이 예술철학을 통해 본 교육적 경험의 의미
J. Curric. Eval. 2000;3(1):41-62.
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The Development a Curriculum Model for Major Departments in Technical High Schools
공업계 고등학교의 전문 교과를 위한 교육과정 개발 모형
J. Curric. Eval. 2000;3(1):63-76.
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Teaching of Korean Traditional Paintings - By Examining Art Text books for Elementary School Students
초등학교 미술교과서로 본 전통회화 교육의 문제
J. Curric. Eval. 2000;3(1):77-96.
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A Study on the Application of Holistic Education in Moral Education
도덕 교과의 홀리스틱 교육 적용 방안 연구
J. Curric. Eval. 2000;3(1):97-112.
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The effect of reciprocal peer tutoring on mathematics achievement and self-concept of students with math disabilities
상호적인 또래교수가 수학장애 학생의 수학 성취도와 자아개념에 미치는 효과
J. Curric. Eval. 2000;3(1):113-128.
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Study on Evaluation Factor related to Thinking Skills and Strategies based on Mathematical Thinking Process
수학적 사고 과정 관련의 평가 요소 탐색
J. Curric. Eval. 2000;3(1):129-139.
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A study for Comparison and Analysis of Vertical Equating Results - for level- based differentiated subject (Mathematics) -
수직적 동등화 결과 비교·분석 연구 - 단계형 수준별 교과(수학)에서 -
J. Curric. Eval. 2000;3(1):141-161.
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Current and Futuristic Names of School Physical Education Subject
체육교과명의 현재와 미래
J. Curric. Eval. 2000;3(1):163-171.
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Exploring A Theoretical ground about Yakyong Chung's Reading Comprehension
정약용(丁若鏞)의 독서교육론
J. Curric. Eval. 2000;3(1):173-186.
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Methods for Improving Unification Education in School - Finding Ways to Peace and Reconciliation -
학교 현장에서의 통일교육 실천방안 - 평화 그리고 화합의 길찾기 -
J. Curric. Eval. 2000;3(1):187-199.
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The Principle and step of accepting North Korea Music in South Korea school
학교에서 북한음악 수용의 원칙과 단계
J. Curric. Eval. 2000;3(1):201-219.
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A Study on the Effects of Teaching Cooperative Play on Aggressive Behaviors of Children with Mental Retardation
협동놀이 교수가 정신지체 아동의 공격적 행동에 미치는 영향: - 자유놀이 시간의 행동을 중심으로 -
J. Curric. Eval. 2000;3(1):221-235.
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New Perspectives on Foreign Language Teacher Education
외국어 교사 교육과정의 새로운 방향 모색
J. Curric. Eval. 2000;3(1):237-248.
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