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Journal of Curriculum and Evaluation. Vol. 24, No. 2, 2021

Examination of Positive Learning Experiences in Small Elementary Schools
소규모 초등학교에서의 긍정적 학습경험 분석
J. Curric. Eval. 2021;24(2):1-25.
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A Study on the Reconstruction of ‘Family’ in Elementary Social Studies Curriculum Based on the Principles of Curriculum Construction
교육과정 구성 원리에 기초한 초등 사회과 ‘가족’ 관련 교육과정 재구성 방안
J. Curric. Eval. 2021;24(2):27-47.
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Delphi research on the textbook authorization system for elementary Korean language textbook
초등 국어 교과용도서의 검정 전환에 대한 델파이 조사
J. Curric. Eval. 2021;24(2):49-75.
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Applying Learning Platform to Distance Learning : Certain School District Case in CA, USA. Encountering COVID-19
학습 플랫폼의 원격 학습에의 적용: COVID-19 미국 캘리포니아의 교육청 사례
J. Curric. Eval. 2021;24(2):77-102.
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Exploring predictors affecting students' and teachers' feedback experience using random forests
랜덤 포레스트를 활용한 학생과 교사의 피드백 경험 예측요인 탐색
J. Curric. Eval. 2021;24(2):103-126.
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Relationships of College Students’ Feedback Seeking Behavior with their Feedback Seeking Motive, Self-Reflection and Academic Achievement
대학생의 피드백 추구 행동과 학업성취와의 관계: 피드백 추구 동기 및 자기성찰의 역할
J. Curric. Eval. 2021;24(2):127-145.
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Study on the Conditions of Writing Assessment in COVID-19 Era
COVID-19 시대의 국어과 쓰기 평가 실태 조사
J. Curric. Eval. 2021;24(2):147-175.
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Characterizing the Academic Achievement of Middle School Students in Science Subject based on Latent Profile Analysis
잠재프로파일분석을 통한 중학교 과학 학생 성취특성 분석
J. Curric. Eval. 2021;24(2):177-198.
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