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Journal of Curriculum and Evaluation. Vol. 19, No. 4, 2016

A Study on Yungbokhap Mathematics Instruction
융복합 수학수업의 실행 방향 탐색
J. Curric. Eval. 2016;19(4):1-23.
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A Study on the Implementation of Model Schools for ‘English Reading School’
영어독서학교 시범학교 운영사례 연구
J. Curric. Eval. 2016;19(4):25-44.
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A Study on Development of the Survey Items for Affective Domain in Mathematics of NAEA
국가수준 학업성취도 평가의 수학과 정의적 영역 설문 문항 개발
J. Curric. Eval. 2016;19(4):45-70.
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Analysis of teacher's characteristics and instructional practice in TIMSS
국제비교 학업성취도 평가(TIMSS)에 나타난 교사 개인특성과 수업실제 분석
J. Curric. Eval. 2016;19(4):71-96.
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