List of Articles

Journal of Curriculum and Evaluation. Vol. 18, No. 2, 2015

Constructing a Curriculum Framework for ‘Logical Writing’ Subject in Korean High School Curriculum
고등학교 교양교과 과목으로서의 '논술' 교육과정의 성격, 목표, 내용체계 고찰
J. Curric. Eval. 2015;18(2):1-28.
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How to Improve Pension Education in Middle and High School through analysis of Curriculum and Textbook
중·고등학교 교육과정 체계 및 교과서 분석을 통한 연금교육 개선방안 모색
J. Curric. Eval. 2015;18(2):29-53.
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Educational reform plans of China that were presented by the Chinese government in December, 2014.
2014년 12월 중국 정부 발표 ‘중국 대입제도 개혁안’ 고찰
J. Curric. Eval. 2015;18(2):55-81.
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An Exploration of Developmental Stages of Teacher Learning Community
교사 학습공동체의 발달 단계 탐색
J. Curric. Eval. 2015;18(2):83-104.
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Analysis on Stages of Concern and Levels of Use for Achievement Standards-based Assessment in Specialized High Schools
특성화 고등학교 교사의 성취평가제 관심도 및 실행도 분석
J. Curric. Eval. 2015;18(2):105-129.
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Effects of Collaborative Performance Assessment on Group Efficacy and Creative Leader Competency for the Secondary School Language Class
중학교 국어과의 협력형 수행평가가 집단효능감과 창의적 인재 역량에 미치는 효과
J. Curric. Eval. 2015;18(2):131-152.
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Exploration of Effects of Educational Context Variables on School Life Happiness
학교생활 행복도에 영향을 미치는 교육맥락변인 탐색
J. Curric. Eval. 2015;18(2):153-182.
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