기술과 교육을 위한 기술적 문제해결 모형의 개발
Received: Oct 14, 2004 ; Revised: Nov 22, 2004 ; Accepted: Dec 3, 2004
Published Online: Dec 31, 2004
이 연구는 기본적으로 기술과 교육에서 방법적 과정으로 논의되는 설계과정과 문제해결 과정의 이론적 모형들을 탐색하고 그 공통적 원리를 추출하여 새로운 기술적 문제해결 모형들을 탐색하고 그 공통적 원리를 추출하여 새로운 기술적 문제해결 모형을 구안하는데 기본 목적을 가졌다. 이 연구의 결과 구안된 기술적 문제해결 모형은 '기본 절차, 기술적 요소, 사고 활동, 순환 과정 네 가지 구조의 다차원적 모형', '8단계의 문제해결 절차로서 계획을 상세화한 모형', '기술적 요소를 반영한 모형', '인지적 사고활동을 반영한 모형', '순환적인 피드백을 통하여 수정/개선을 가능하게 한 모형'의 특징을 가지고 제안되었으며, 타당성 평가 결과 이론적 측면에서 높은 타당성을 평가 받았다. 따라서 이 연구의 모형은 창의적 문제해결력을 증진시키기 위한 의미 있는 학습전략으로 적용될 수 있을 것으로 본다.
The basic message is that learning of technology education will be enhanced when students reflect on and collaborate with others as they solve technological problems that occur in rich contexts. The design process and problem solving has suggested as the basic principles for invention and innovation in action based on the technological process in technology education.
The purpose of the study was to develop the model of the technological problem solving(TPS) based on the 'design process' and 'problem solving' as a learning process in technology education. Therefore, the study was conducted through literature research on the theory of design process and problem solving process for developing of technological problem solving model. Also, the developed model(TPS) was evaluated by technology educators.
The findings of this study were as follows:
1. The TPS model developed in this study was composed the four components such as 'basic process', 'technological considerations', 'thinking activity', 'feedback system'.
2. The 'basic process' of TPS model were composed the 8 steps ; 1) the identification of problem, 2) the specification of problem, 3) the exploration and generation for solution, 4) the selecting of best idea, 5) the specific planning of best idea, 6) the implementation and realization, 7) the evaluation, 8) the applying and reflection.
3. The 'technological considerations' of TPS model were 4 components ; 1) the selection of related information, 2) the consideration of design elements, 3) the consideration of resource and limited elements, 4) the drawing and specific work planning.
4. The 'thinking activity' of TPS model was related to 'basic process' as follows ; divergent thinking is operated in step of the exploration and generation for solution, convergent thinking is operated in steps of the selecting of best idea and the specific planning of best idea, critical thinking is operated in steps of the evaluation and the applying and reflection.
5. The TPS model developed in this study was evaluated consideratively positive results, But TPS model should be conducted experimental study in classrooms in following: study.