
인권교육을 통한 도덕과 교육의 개선방향

이미식 1
Mi-Sik Lee 1
Author Information & Copyright
1Lecturer, Pusan National University
1부산대학교 강사

ⓒ Copyright 2004, Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial-ShareAlike License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Received: Oct 15, 2003 ; Revised: Dec 30, 2003 ; Accepted: Dec 4, 2003

Published Online: Jun 30, 2004


한국의 도덕교육의 방향에 대한 재검토에 대한 요구는 21세기의 시대적 상황에 적합한 도덕교육에 대한 것이다. 즉 기존의 도덕개념이 전통이나 근대화의 질서유지와 관련된 것이기 때문에, 변화하는 시대에는 새로운 도덕개념과 목적이 요구되는 것이다. 한국사회의 변화는 자율성의 존중/ 인류를 포함할 수 있는 공동체의 건설, 주체성/ 타자성, 합리성/ 따뜻한 공감 능력의 조화를 요구한다.

개인과 사회의 위치와 관련해서 개인의 자율성을 존중하면서도 사회내의 관계성을 존중하는 것이 인권교육이다. 인권교육을 인간에 대한 권리의 교육이고, 인간을 통한 교육이고, 인간을 위한 교육이다. 인권교육의 인권은 보편적 원리이면서 구체적이고 보편적인 것이다. 본 연구는 인권교육을 그 자체 목적적인 교육으로 규정하고, 이를 통해서 얻을 수 있는 도덕교육의 방향을 모색하고 검토하고자 한다.


This study aims to provide goals of moral education in middle school. It is accomplished through human rights education. Human Rights is simply that human beings have universal rights for humans be. The concept of Human Rights is progressed in liberal rights, social rights, and the rights of solidarity.

Human Rights Education is all learning that develops the knowledge, skills, and value of human rights. It is itself a fundamentals human rights and also a responsibility.

But in korea, moral education proved that the substance of textbook consists primarily of responsibilities rather than rights and society in secondary schools focuses on law observance education.

Despite of this limites, Moral education is, attained human rights education. So it corresponds to overall purpose and direction of moral education. Morality education is expected to be the suitable subject for human rights and moral purpose.

Accordingly, Moral education through human rights education requires the following legal and systematic apparatuses. With parallel implementation of systematic conditions and strategic options, the following internal apparatuses must be considered in schools. It is necessary to create a deliberation network of teacher and student, parents that can induce voluntary participation and mutual understanding. It is necessary to develop an experience-based Moral education program. For example, role playing, virtual experiments, art activities-including poetry, drawings, and music, original writing, cooperative games, discussion, brain storming, all can be useful in attaining the goals of moral education. In order to improve the consciousness of human rights, in parallel with these systematic apparatus, it is necessary to change the idea of right held by and administrators.

Keywords: 인권교육; 도덕교육; 새로운 도덕교육의 패러다임; 자율성; 공동체
Keywords: Human Rights Education; Moral Education; New paradigm of Moral Education; autonomy; community