
한국의 '재량 활동' 일본의 '총합적 학습 시간' 교육과정 비교 연구

최호성1, 김종주2
Hoseoung Choe1, Jongju Kim2
Author Information & Copyright
1Kyungnam University
2Cheol seong Highschool

ⓒ Copyright 2002, Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial-ShareAlike License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Published Online: Dec 31, 2002


The purpose of this study was to examine the curriculum of 'discretional activity' of both Korea and ]apan, and the curriculum of comprehensive leaming hours in ]apan with a regard to nation level curriculum, providing fundamental theoretical information in opera tion of 'discretional activity' in Korea.

In this study, the two tasks were presup posed and comparatively analyzed as the following:

First, the establishment background and the position and time assignment in the curriculum were examined. Second, educational target, leaming range and activity content were comparatively sought for.

As a result, establishment background and educational target have a similar distinction while 'position and time assignment in the curriculum' and 'leaming range and activity content' were shown to have a little differ ence between them.

Finally, the differences and similarities between two countries were presented for future reference of information at the actual screen of education and researches in Korea regarding the curriculum of discretional ac tivlty.

Keywords: discretional activity; the curriculum of comprehensive leaming; educational target; position and time assignment; leaming range; activity content