학교단위교육과정경영 논리와 전략 탐색
Published Online: Dec 31, 2002
The purpose of this paper is to investigate logics and strategies of School 13ased Curric ulum Management system for the purpose of improving the effectiveness of school educa tion. The concept of School 13ased Curriculum Management can be considered as a subsys tem to School 13ased Management. The logics for School 13ased Curriculum Management system are autonomy, accountability, effec tiveness, creativity, professionalism and participation. Therefore, the 5S13-lSLM theory is suitable for the analysis of subcategory to School 13ased Management.
The 5SM -lSLM theory is a subsystem for the settlement of School 13ased Manage ment. First, 5S13 can be divided by School 13ased Decision Making, School 13ased Curric ulum Management, School 13ased 13udgeting System, School 13ased Staffing System, and School 13ased Staff Development. Next, lSLM is Strategic Layer Management in which strategic management and layer management are mixed. The dynamic process of School 13ased Management can be operated by Strategic Layer Management.
The system of School 13ased Curriculum Management is a structure which has a planning -operation -evaluation -feedback process. The aim of School 13ased Curriculum Management is to increase autonomous, creative, accountable and effective manage ment system.
The strategies of School 13ased Curriculum Management system for the purpose of improving the effectiveness of school education are as follows. They are the ideological strategy, procedure strategy, layer management system strategy, evaluation system strategy, and School 13ased Staff Development system strategy which can control the quality of School 13ased Curricu lum Management.