
저17 차 중학교 교과서 교육내용의 적정화 실태 분석 - 1 학년 사회 및 수학 교과서를 중심으로 -

김재춘1, 변효종1
Chaechun Gim1, Hyojong Byeon1
Author Information & Copyright
1Yeungnam University

ⓒ Copyright 2002, Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial-ShareAlike License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Published Online: Dec 31, 2002


This study is to ascertain whether the 30% cut-off guidelines of educational content demanded by the 7th National Curriculum has been accepted in the development of new textbooks. For the study, researchers have chosen two different subjects, 7th graders ’ Social Studies and Math.

The researchers analyzed old(6th) text books and new(7th) textbooks and compared to see whether educational content of the new textbooks has been reduced compared with old ones. The comparison has been done twofold. First, quantitative analysis has been made in order to compare the number of units or topics included in the textbooks. Second, qualitative analysis has been made in order to see whether the new textbooks include less clifficult content than the old ones.

The results of the study are as follows. It is found that educational content of the Math textbooks has been reduced quite significantly, but has not been reduced to the degree which the 7th National curriculum has demanded. However, the educational content in the textbooks of Social Studies was found not to be reduced, but to be increased. It is suggested that it is urgent for educational policy-makers or administrators to study in order to find what prevents the reduction of education content in the Social Studies textbooks.

Keywords: reduction of educational content; level of difficulty; 7th National Curriculum